
Fathers Day

In Portugal Mother’s Day is celebrated each year on the 1st Sunday of May, while in Austria it is celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of May. While those dates are quite close to each other, one can’t say the same when looking at Father’s Day. In Austria it is celebrated on the second Sunday of June, but in Portugal it is celebrated on the 19th of March, almost 3 months earlier. No idea why. Whatever the reasons, in fact it is not at all important when or how you let your father how important he was and is for you. For most of us, just once a year wouldn’t be often enough anyway, I guess.

By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he's wrong.

(Charles Wadsworth)

...or something like that... ;-)

Using one of my father’s own expressions: You are the best of all my fathers! ;-)
Thank you for everything.


Blogger A Burra Nas Couves said...

March, the 19th is St. Joseph's day, that's why!

24/3/06 03:50  
Blogger hanna said...

>>>stimme dir von ganzem herzen zu. ich glaube, dass wir sehr grosses glueck haben mit unserem papabaer. :-)
bussis and dich, papa!
und an die mutti natuerlich auch! :-)
haha...es sollte doch auch einen kombinierten eltern-tag geben.oder? die arbeiten doch gemeinsam an der ganzen sache!


24/3/06 21:01  

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